About Us

FutureComp is one of the largest third-party administrators (TPAs) in the Northeast, providing services to over 1,800 insured and self-insured workers’ compensation and liability clients. We’ve provided professional third-party administration services since 1984, and are recognized as a leader and trusted advisor in this specialty area. We demonstrate a strong commitment to ensuring prompt, consistent and appropriate claim handling of all workers’ compensation and liability files.

We’re proud of our ability to devote 100% of our energies to third-party administration. Our clients rely on us to handle their workers’ compensation and liability programs and effectively manage their exposures. Clients successfully manage their claim risk because of our ability to concentrate exclusively on this area, our customer service philosophies, and our business strategies.

Clients partner with our loss prevention, claims and medical case management professionals to customize approaches that address pre-loss issues, coordinate communication among all parties during a loss, and work on post-loss strategies. This proactive and integrated team approach helps to prevent and minimize loss. Our team also remains actively involved in monitoring all claim activity — one of the most important elements of effective workers’ compensation and liability risk management programs.

As a full-service TPA, FutureComp provides all component services of successful workers’ compensation and liability programs. These include:

Clients are able to view their loss data in real-time with our state-of-the-art, internet-based claims system, which provides flexibility in accessing loss reports.

FutureComp is also supported by a substantial organization: Our parent company, USI Insurance Services, is one of the largest insurance brokerage firms in the U.S., with over $2 billion in annualized revenue.